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Vampires, Warhol and Open Adoption Blog Hop #1

by Laura on January 18th, 2013

I’ve recently become a member of Open Adoption Bloggers, “a network of writers from all sides of open adoption.”

But, Laura, you grew up in a closed adoption. You’re an adult who was adopted at birth; you’re not an adoptive mom or first mother participating in an open adoption, can’t you just get over yourself already? … What are you doing hanging out with participants in open adoption?

As I’m prone to second-guessing myself, self-doubt, and overall wishy-washiness, I’ve asked myself this very question. The answer is two-fold.

The open-minded first mothers and adoptive parents whom I’ve met so far through this site are very cool. I’m happy to know them and learn from them. However, there are not so many adoptees. The adoptees are still growing up; it’s their various parental figures who are writing. I believe (rightly, presumptively, both or neither) that I have some insight to add.

Also, I am in reunion, which means I’m technically in an open adoption. (If I were to lose contact, or to cease communicating with my first family, then I would consider my adoption to be “closed” once more.)

To wit, even though I’m an adult, I was never “un-adopted.” I still go by my the name given to me by my (adoptive) parents, the one that’s on my (amended) birth certificate. While being adopted doesn’t define everything about me, it nevertheless informs my life in ways that I am only beginning to truly understand.

Don’t believe me that I’m still figuring out this whole adoption thing? Check out Wednesday’s post on Adoption Kool Aid, which drew “spirited interest” from around the web.

So get to the point already …

What the heck is an Open Adoption Blog Hop?

The particular blog hop is an online writing activity in which the host posts a topic or question, and bloggers answer it on their own sites. Step 2: I post my link, and comment on others’ posts. I know, I know, it’s complicated; and sometimes this blogging jargon is kind of silly. No matter, here’s the question:

What is your favorite room/spot/piece of art in your home and why?

And I have two words for you: Vampires. Warhol.

Wha the what?

These days, Danica is all about drawing and cutting and “making things.” One of her more recent creations was a vampire woman. Before you get all riled up about my almost five-year-old knowing about vampires, know that her preschool friends have older siblings. Kids talk.

Even better: if you look closely, you can see, that not only is this vampire princess well-endowed, she is evidently topless. Nice.

On the right is my daughter’s collage, also created during our recent ski trip to Bulgaria. It chronicles the adventures of yet-another half-naked woman, this time enjoying the spa services at Hotel Rila.


Noooo not a real Andy Warhol; a cool replica though. Designed by my first mother, with images of my children; this art is precious.

I’ve had the one of Danica for some time; then my first mother sent me the Maksim version for Christmas. Both show my children at 15 months — just a few teeth, slightly verbal. My kids are growing up; these pieces capture a moment-in-time, one easily  forgotten among new parenting challenges.



From → Adoption, Expat Mommy

  1. I, for one, appreciate hearing from adult adoptees no matter what stage of openness/closedness they experienced, no matter their current status. I am so glad you are active in OAB — you belong there 100%.

    You are surrounded by generations of artists (and you are one yourself). Love it!

    • Laura permalink

      Lori! Yes it's so funny how biology rises up when we least expect it. Danica is big into drawing, and that's also something her dad excels at. Thanks for the welcome — it's so great that we can share our experiences, and learn from one another.
      It's really great to know you,

  2. I'm so glad to hear your voice – and I love the art that your first mother created for you!

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