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A Blog Challenge with a Memoir Round-up

by Laura on October 12th, 2012

I may have just reached a Blogger Milestone.

Writer Sylvia Morice invited me to participate in The Look Challenge, a way for bloggers to introduce readers to their own and others’ books.

Here’s how it works: I post an excerpt of my manuscript that includes the word “look,” and then list five other writers to take the same challenge.

“Look” in Adopted Reality

I seriously had a heart attack when I saw just how many times I use that damn verb in a variety of permutations—look, looks, looked, looking. Not to mention overlook and outlook. Jesus, why didn’t anyone tell me?

No matter. Here’s Adopted Reality, A Memoir, from “Key to a Past”

Seated in her small office, the counselor handed me a large manila envelope—my classified life now out in the open. There was my pink hospital bracelet—snipped through in the middle, removed when I was released. I unfolded my original birth certificate and looked at Ms. Knopp, confused.

“I already have a birth certificate with my name on it, Laura Meghan Dennis.”

“You also had one when you were born.”

“My name was ‘Allah Mohave Mills.’ That’s weird.”

“Your birth mom knew she wasn’t keeping you; you’ll have to ask her about the name. Here’s more,” Ms. Knopp said and handed me a crisp stationary card and a photo, both scented with patchouli oil. Dated my eighteenth birthday—the day my records had been unsealed—in bold handwriting, half cursive, half print, the note said:

August 19, 1995

Whenever you’re ready, wherever you are, I’m waiting for you and I love you.


Behind the letter was a photo of a woman sitting in front of a vineyard, relaxed and smiling. She had blond bobbed hair and wore a white linen shirt, and she didn’t look at all like the seventeen-year old girl I’d imagined.

“I spoke to her on the phone this morning. Kathy lives in San Diego now. I told her you’re coming here, and she’s open to talking to you if you decide that’s what you want.”

Is that what I want? Do pigs shit in the woods?

*  *  *  *  *

Five Memoirists to Watch …

Tag! Here are five bloggers, with links to their memoirs:

Linda Hoye — Two Hearts, an Adoptee’s Journey through Grief to Gratitude

Jenny LawsonLet’s Pretend this Never Happened, A Mostly True Memoir

Joanna Brooks — The Book of Mormon Girl, A Memoir of an American Faith

Sonia MarshFreeways to Flip-Flops, A Family’s Year of Gutsy Living on a Tropical Island

Monica LeeThe Percussionist’s Wife, A Memoir of Sex, Crime & Betrayal

*  *  *  *  *

Join me on Monday, when I address another hot topic in Serbian culture: Stereotypes and Gypsy settlements in Belgrade.

Just a note for those who are new to blog-reading. Please … Click through and “land” on the website. From there you can type your email address in the right-hand column and receive these blog posts directly in your mailbox!

Thanks everybody, and have a great weekend …


From → Adoption, Expat Mommy

  1. What a great quote from your book, Laura! Thank you for extending,the challenge to me. Like you, I was astounded at the number of "looks" in my book! I'll be posting an exerpt from Two Hearts on my site shortly.

    • admin permalink

      Thanks, Linda! Yes, I think the challenge is so fun — and a great way to help others promote their work.

  2. Laura, I just did a quick search to find the word "look" in my manuscript and was shocked by the number I found simply on the first 30 pages. Thank you for including me on your list. I shall tweet and FB.
    Sonia Marsh/Gutsy Li recently posted..The Winner of the September “My Gutsy Story”My Profile
    Sonia Marsh/Gutsy Li recently posted..The Winner of the September “My Gutsy Story”My Profile

    • admin permalink

      Very cool! Can't wait to see which excerpt you choose!

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